Sending IR


This topic describes how to capture and send Infrared signals with Vectir. The instructions on this page will work with the Tira and USB-UIRT devices.

Capturing IR

The following instructions describe how to capture an IR signal ready for subsequent re-transmission.

  1. Create a new group to hold your IR send commands or select an existing group.
  2. Create an empty command node (Ctrl+Shift+N) for each button on your remote for which you wish to capture an IR signal. Press F2 to rename each IR send command to the corresponding button name on your remote or something else that indicates what the command is for.
  3. Put your IR hardware into capture mode. For the USB-UIRT or Tira devices this achieved by 'checking' the Capture Mode check box on the General tab of the setup dialog. Click on the OK button to close the setup dialog once your hardware is in capture mode.
  4. Right click on one of the empty command nodes and select Learn Event Data. The Event Learn dialog should open.
  5. Hold your remote control close (about 1 to 3cm) to the front panel of your IR hardware device. Press and hold down the button for which you wish to capture an IR signal for up to 3s. If the IR signal is successfully captured, the Event Learn dialog should change to the Event Saved dialog.
    If the signal was not successfully captured within 3s, release the button and try again, possibly holding the remote slightly closer or further away from the IR hardware device. Please refer to your hardware suppliers documentation for the recommended distance the remote should be from the receiver in capture mode.
  6. Repeat step 5 until IR signals have been captured for all required remote buttons.
  7. Take your hardware device out of capture mode by opening up the setup dialog and 'unchecking' the Capture mode check box on the General tab. Click OK to close the hardware setup dialog.
  8. Your IR signals are now captured and ready to be transmitted. To verify that each command node holds IR transmit data, right click on each command node and select Properties. If the Output property says "Transmit data", it means that an IR signal was successfully captured and saved to that command.

Sending IR

To use Vectir as a PC based IR remote control and send a captured IR signals, follow these instructions:

  1. Click once on the command node that holds the signal you wish to send.
  2. Click on the Run selected command icon (green play button over command icon) on the main toolbar to send the IR signal. If you are using the USB-UIRT module and have the Blink on Transmit setting enabled, the transmit LED should flash when the signal is being sent.
  3. Repeat the previous two steps for each IR signal that you wish to send.
  4. If the IR device you are attempting to control fails to recieve a transmitted signal, try re-capturing the IR signal and try again.